Michael Pollan, the author of Food Rules, In Defense of Food, The Omnivore’s Dilemma and many other books about the natural world and our place in it, was honored by the Institute of Health and Healing in San Francisco this month when he received the 2011 Pioneer of Integrative Medicine award. Michael, through his writing and lectures, focuses on the industrial way most people find their food and how it is at odds with the natural world. On this special night, Michael sat down for a discussion about his food philosophy "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." A seemingly simple statement, but when put into practice takes a great deal of thought and effort. This was a riveting discussion that touched on wide ranging topics, from the cost of health care to farm subsidies and policy change headed by the military, because now there are too many recruits who fail the fitness exam. Inspired from Michael’s words, I would like to present my wine philosophy: “Drink wine. Not too much. Mostly from small vintners." In the wine world you have similar choices as with food. I vote with my selections and support the smaller vintners and focus especially on the organic producers. After all, wine is an agricultural product, first and foremost. Not all small vintners make exceptional wine, so you do have to be selective, but I do feel a connection to where the wine comes from. From the first time I tasted the wines from Montenidoli, I knew I had to meet the person who made the wine. When I did finally get to meet the incredible Elisabetta, the complexity and essence of the wine made perfect sense for me, on the palate and in my mind. Her soul and approach to the land is reflected in the wine. A truly impressive statement. As a consumer, you have many options when making your food and wine choices. I would urge you to use your power as a consumer to cast your vote. Yes, you can buy Two-Buck-Chuck but maybe you can drink a little less and buy a $10 bottle from a small producer. I suspect your enjoyment level will be much higher. If you are interested in the incredible ways the Institute of Health and Healing are helping people through alternative medicine please visit www.myhealthandhealling.org. Maybe you will be inspired to donate an incredibly worthy cause. If you are not already familiar with Michael’s work, visit his website michaelpollan.com. I just finished reading his book on gardening Second Nature. It gave me many things to think about as I am about to landscape my front and back yards.
AuthorAngela Camacho, a certified sommelier and author of a best selling wine tool, The Wine Wheel®, shares her obsession with wine and food. Archives
May 2016
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